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Get involved!

We’re always delighted to receive your support! There are lots of ways to get involved.

If you would like to become a member, please write to or phone Sabine Fraune on +49 6252 73 759.

As a not-for-profit organization, we’re financed solely through donations and sponsoring.
One Stolperstein costs 120 €. This includes the cost of production and laying of the stone, often personally by the artist Gunter Demnig. The stones are engraved with the names and life dates of the person commemorated.
But there are further costs involved for research, documentation, and events (see Timeline). For all of this we’re dependent on sponsors and donations. If you wish to support this work, you can help greatly by sending a donation to:

Charity Stolpersteine Heppenheim e.V. – Erinnern für die Zukunft
Bank: Sparkasse Starkenburg
IBAN: DE85 5095 1469 0000 0421 92

We’re happy to provide a receipt on request.


© 2024 Stolpersteine Heppenheim e.V., Deutschland   |  Impressum   |  Datenschutz